Tuesday 11 September 2012

Pros and cons of the new technologies

First, let me say something about the pros. It's obvious that we all think that internet and new computer technologies is very convenient. We can do a lot of thing in the internet like communicating with your friends, making a blog etc by only a small electronic device. Further, it is user-friendly. They are not too hard to use! Just click in few buttons and you can make a lot of things by your own. Also, it is very easy to find information in the internet, like google, yahoo, wikipedia etc. You can learn new things, create new culture, find useful information in the internet by only sitting in front of your electronic devices.One more things to mention, the internet really is a good tool to gather people from different place. For example, the national eduation protest group is also grouped in facebook at the very first. Technologies make our distance becomes shorter and easier to communicate!

For the cons, the first I would like to mention is technologies are making people more lazy. Frequent users of the new technology are usaully more relutant to the physically activities. They only want to stick in the chair and sit in front of the computers all day. It's not hard to see people playing with their smartphone while travelling on the public transport, dinning with family and friends. I always want to ask them " Can you leave your cyber world for one second, please?". People are seriously addicted to the technologies! Talking about addiction to internet, some people are being addicted to the technology not just because of their convenience, but also providing a platform for them to create a new image. For instances, you can beautify your pictures, getting more time to think before you type or you reply. Some people are not good at communicating face-to-face, but they talk actively in the internet. I remember a classmate of mine talks like a total different person when he is texting. He seems to be very talkative and able to chat for any topics, but when I see him in the class, he looks very shy and seldom to talk.  This can easily lead to social disorder because they are less willing to talk to people directly in the real world. Some youngsters even cannot distinguish the identity of the internet and the real world.

In nowadays world, technology really is a necessity to us. We have to use it every day everywhere.. Like me, I use iPhone, Facebook, twitter every day, but it doesn't mean that I am cyber addict. It's just new technology is too convenient. As long as we can use technology in a proper way, it may not be a problem to us

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